Three’s The Number

Three’s The Number

          Praise God! In 2014 itself, He has brought three non-believers to youth and they have been attending quite regularly and taking parts in our Harvest youth activities

Recently I started attending a seminar called the Deeper Life Seminar organized by Lifeline Ministries. One of the homework participants were given was to evangelize to at least 3 people. Is it a coincidence that God brought 3 non-believers to youth and now I have to evangelize to at least 3 people?

I didn’t think much about it and left it as that. I then attended an Inter-College Christian Fellowship rally @ PJEFC on the 1st of May. During the rally, the speaker (Rev. Dave Yeoh from Acts Church) mentioned about reaching out to people and specifically the number ‘3’. I thought to myself, “God, is this is a sign?”

It can’t be a coincidence that the number 3 popped up so frequently. So I prayed about it and felt led to share the gospel to the 3 chosen ones. After all, God equipped me through the seminar

Last Sunday (25th of May 2014), I took the step of faith and shared the salvation message in youth, and guess what? 3 souls were added to the kingdom of God! Praise God!

It was truly magnificent to lead 3 youths in making a life-changing commitment. I thanked God that I obeyed His hints. I’m now looking out for more. The hunger and desire to do more for God is rising within me!

By: Joshua Wu

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