Due to popular demand, we have come up with our very own church t-shirt which is for sale at an extremely reasonable price of RM15 per t-shirt. It’s made out of dry fit material that dries very quickly when washed, and is therefore extremely suitable for sports and outdoor use.
Unfortunately we have run out of stock for size XS. However, we still have sizes S, M, L, XL and 3XL available. Check out the design of the t-shirt!
Here’s the t-shirt being worn during our recent Merdeka Outreach event. Doesn’t it look spectacular on our church members? Be sure to get one for yourself!
Contract Bro. Joshua Wu at 0169708591 to purchase your t-shirt! 🙂 Come and get them while stocks last! If you have any t-shirt design suggestions, please message us on Facebook or email us at hccpj7@gmail.com